Warning Signs That Your Tree May Be Dying
The earlier you discover trouble with your tree, the better your chance of saving it. Unfortunately, it is not always obvious if the tree is sick, in the process of dying, or already dead. If you are worried that your tree is in danger, we have created a list of five signs that something may be wrong with your tree.
In addition to proper tree care and maintenance, it is vital to monitor it for changes that can be signs of tree diseases. Never ignore the warning signs that your tree is in trouble.
Bark Abnormalities
If you have noticed your tree’s bark becoming very loose and falling off, it is critical to determine if the tree is diseased or simply undergoing a normal process. Look for areas of smooth wood where the bark has fallen off; if the wood is not growing back, it is a sign your tree is dying.
If you notice bark covering the wood once the old bark peels away, your tree may only be experiencing its normal shedding process.
Lack of Foliage
Leaves dropping off your tree can occur for several reasons: wood-eating pests like Florida’s dogwood borer, pine bark beetles, forest tent caterpillars; disease; and environmental stress.
The lack of foliage on your tree is one of the most common ways your tree communicates that it is under stress. If your tree is not producing healthy leaves while growing, have a Southwest Florida tree expert inspect it.
An Abundance of Dead Wood and Branches
An increase of dead wood and branches signifies that your tree is diseased or dying. Typically, trees decay from the inside out. The presence of rotting wood is a red flag. If you notice a leafless branch while other branches are sporting healthy, green leaves, that is an obvious indication that your tree is dying.
Leaning Trunk
Unless your tree originally grew at an angle, a leaning or crooked trunk is generally a sign of damage. A tree that suddenly develops an odd growth pattern is often a sign the roots are damaged or dying and is at high risk of falling.
Pests and Fungus
Diseased trees can easily fall prey to nasty pests. The pests make their home in stressed or diseased trees that are in the process of dying. Look for signs like branches that have holes in them from wood-boring pests. Tree diseases such as bacterial infections usually present in sunken places on the bark or discolored areas. If you notice mushrooms growing on the tree or at the base, this is typically a sign of rot in either the trunk or the tree’s roots. As decay spreads further, structural problems begin to occur.
Joshua Tree Inc is your Southwest Florida tree expert. We have provided superior tree removal for nearly a decade. If you suspect you have a dying or diseased tree, contact us.